Summer holidays book promo!

Saturday, 6th Jul 2024

Dear Network,

Here is a special gift for the summer holidays.

Starting from Jul 8th to Jul 11th, the kindle edition of my book Good Companies will be available with 50% discount.

Buy here or on your local amazon. Enjoy reading! #goodcompanies #goodcompanieseconomics

Future of Work Talks: Michal Vallo

Tuesday, 8th Oct 2024

100 years old example of entrepreneurship rooted in societal responsibility

In this talk we will explore the profile of Tomas Bata, a Czech entrepreneur of the first half of the twentieth century. We will focus on techniques relevant to today's knowledge-intensive organizations.

Future of Work Talks: The path of an expert leader

Tuesday, 23rd Apr 2024

Familiarize with and practice the concept of the Clean Language.

In this talk Michael will share what I’ve learned and how you can use it to build your reputation as a trusted and respected expert leader.

Future of Work Talks: Check your leadership style

Tuesday, 27th Mar 2024

This session is dedicated to leaders who seek patterns, best practices, systemic perspective, and a holistic view on what is important for leadership to create the best outcomes at your organisation.

We will cover strategy, culture, cohesion, coherence and adaptive capacity to name a few.

Future of Work Talks: The pragmatic CEO's Adventures with Leadership

Tuesday, 27th Feb 2024

It's our great pleasure to announce we are hosting Paweł, Brodziński, the CEO aspiring to become a Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer at Lunar Logic! Pawel will share the secret sauce of how he runs a software company based in Krakow.

KRYZYS WARTOŚCI w nowoczesnym świecie - jak się ODNALEŹĆ?

Friday, 2nd Feb 2024

Rozmawiam z Piotrem Trojanowskim o tym, jak zarówno liderzy biznesowi, jak i każdy z nas może odnaleźć harmonię i sens w codzienności. Poruszamy kwestie sztucznej inteligencji, transformacji biznesowej i znaczenia pełni człowieczeństwa w nowoczesnym świecie.

Future of Work Talks: Focus on Collective Leadership Effectiveness

Tuesday, 31st Jan 2024

It's our great pleasure to announce we are hosting our friend, Janusz Leski, Transformation Leadership Coach, Enterprise Agile Coach, Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) and Collective Leadership Assessment (CLA) Practitioner. Janusz helps leaders to grow and transform their organisations.

InfoQ article: How to leverage Good Companies to fight Civilizational Debt?

Thursday, 9th Nov 2023

InfoQ has just published Piotr Trojanowski's article based on ideas from Good Companies book. You can access the article here.

Future of Work Talks: Sociocracy 3.0: intentions, promises, and value proposition

Tuesday, 07 Nov 2023

It's our great pleasure to announce we are hosting a special guest: James Priest, Co-creator of Sociocracy 3.0!

Join us to learn the intentions, promises, and the value proposition of S3 in a collective interview with James.

Venture Cafe Warsaw: Good Companies, Piotr Trojanowski

Thursday, 27th Aug 2023

This time I am meeting the key target audience - young entrepreneurs, startups and sponsors. I will pitch for updating our mental model of the economy to enable the raise of #goodcompanies.

What is the socio-economic equation of today? What is the meaning of business today? What's beyond great products that customers love?I will share an alternative perspective on the meaning of business and companies. A perspective which one still cannot learn at business schools.

Register here.

Future of Work Talks: Transform Organizations with Integral 4 Lenses

Tuesday, 3rd Oct 2023

In the next episode of the webinar it's our great pleasure to host a friend guest: Randolf Speigner!

Join us to participate in a workshop facilitated by Randolf, the workshop that was presented at #XP2023 conference in Amsterdam.

Future of Work Talks: Patterns of self-organized future

Tuesday, 11th Jul 2023

In the next episode of the webinar I have a great pleasure to host special guest: Ted Rau, Co-founder of Sociocracy for All.

Register here.

The ESG Show #9: ESG is a circus without a Master

Wednesday, 5th Jul 2023

Piotr in a good company of his new friends Jo and Scott find links between digital, agile and ESG.

Future of Work Talks: LIVE Sciences journey to meaningful impact

Tuesday, 21st Jun 2023

In the next episode of the webinar I have a great pleasure to host special guest: Timm Urschinger, Co-founder of LIVE Sciences - a young consulting company.

Register here.

Lean Agile Delivery & Coaching network and Digital Transformation in London meetup: Good Companies by Piotr Trojanowski

Wednesday, 8th Jun 2023

Piotr will share the concept of Good Companies based on his book of the same title.

Register here.

Future of Work Talks: Open Management by Teal Unicorns

Wednesday, 3rd May 2023

In the next episode of the webinar I have a great pleasure to host special guests: Dr Cherry Vu and Rob England. Cherry and Rob will share their concept of the Open Management, based on their book of the same title.

Register here.

FREE Good Companies book promo!

Wednesday, 1st Feb 2023

Dear Network,

Here is your special gift.

To celebrate joining forces with Steve Denning on the quest to reinvent the economy in order to Leave This World in a Better State Than It Is Now, I offer Good Companies for free.

We aspire to help catalyze, synthesize, and energize the emerging coalition of managerial, economic, social, political, and ethical forces that are already re-imagining management and capitalism.

Starting from Feb 2nd to Feb 6th, the kindle edition of my book Good Companies will be available for FREE.

More details here. Enjoy reading! #goodcompanies

Webinar: Right to Left by Mike Burrows

Tuesday, 24h Nov 2020

If you had to describe an Agile process, where would you start: “from the left”, with a backlog of work to plough through, or “from the right”, with needs met by working software? And does the difference in perspective matter?

This is a free online event hosted by resonate. Please register here.

Webinar: Reflections on the Scrum Product Owner Role, Roman Pichler

Thursday, 8th Oct 2020

Even nearly 20 years after the first Scrum book was published, confusion and misinterpretation still surround the product owner role. ​​​​​​​My talk wants to help you reflect on your understanding of the role and offer my perspective and advice based on working with Scrum product owners for more than 15 years. 

This is a free online event hosted by Agile Evangelists, and co-sponsored by resonate. Please register here.

Manifesto for New Economical Order

Thursday, 13th Aug 2020

We have come to realize that the mental model currently underlying economy has been destructive and has become unsustainable and outdated. We have been uncovering more responsible purpose of economy. This is what we learnt and need to share as The Manifesto for New Economical Order. More information here.

Effective Work Environment framework assets made public

Monday, 15th June 2020

We have decided to publish the Effective Work Environment framework under the Creative Commons license (BY+NC+SA) and open The EWE for your voluntary feedback and contribution. Our intention is for the EWE to become a living documentary of the evolving image of the current landscape of companies. Let us know your experience with it. More information here.

"Visualizing the Why — Strategy and Roadmaps in Context"

Tuesday, 2nd June 2020

resonate proudly presents the webinar: "Visualizing the Why — Strategy and Roadmaps in Context" by Craig Cockburn. In his presentation Craig will incorporate thinking from Simon Wardley and visualisation practice to ensure the why of movement is visible and understood so that teams have context and can align more easily to a shared understanding of strategic intent and tactical moves.  Register here.

"Risk, Asymmetry & Maps"

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

resonate proudly presents the webinar: "Risk, Asymetry & Maps. A systematic approach to seizing opportunities." by Chris Daniel. In this webinar, we will look for an answer for a fundamental challenge: How to find the thing that I/my team/my company should do to make matters better? In the course of the session, we will compare approaches outlined by Taleb, Wardley and Snowden.  Register here.

"Why org leadership still sucks?"

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

resonate proudly presents the webinar: "Why our organisational leadership is still pretty sucky?" by Douglas Talbot. Why do we seem to be making so little progress implementing decades old truths? What might be next if we've been stagnant for 10 years? and ... Why are organisations still such dysfunctional ecosystems? Why are we still debating and worrying about how to write a Story? Why are so many leaders struggling to create awesome organisations? Register here.

"The Culture is Read-only"

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

resonate proudly presents the webinar: "The Culture is Read-only" by Mariusz Kreft.  Why are many approaches of cultural transformation failing? Why do even the best intentions of leaders feel unauthentic to employees? Why is it so difficult to get the working crowd aligned and drive towards making the organisation future proof? A transformation isn’t done just by implementing some initiatives and some co-creation workshops coming up words  like : trust, openness, collaboration

Pro-bono coaching sessions

Monday, 11 May 2020

We are pleased to announce 3x3x60 pro bono coaching-mentoring sessions with Piotr. The first 3 persons will have an opportunity to go through a 3 times x 60 minutes coaching process with Piotr within May. The topics may vary from Agile, leadership and building effective organizations to personal and life coaching. Please feel invited to schedule here

By applying you agree to donate to sustainability organization of your choice, e.g. planting trees in the Rainbow Forest.

Evolution of workplace & Future of Work map assets made public

Monday, 27 April 2020

We have decided to publish the map under the Creative Commons license (BY+NC+SA) and open the map for your voluntary contribution. Our intention is for the map to become a living documentary of the evolving workplace. Let us know your experience with it. More information here.

"Evolution of workplace"

Tuesday, 21st April 2020

resonate proudly presents the webinar: Evolution of workplace and Future of work, by Piotr.

The webinar provokes a human-centric view on the evolution of work. It helps you out of the hamster wheel of the single loop learning and encourages a deeper reflection on the purpose of business. The questions we will be asking ourselves today are: How the workplace evolved within recent decades and what is there to come? 

"Love in the Time of Corona"

Tuesday, 14th April 2020

resonate proudly presents the webinar: Love in The Time of Corona by Joseph Pelrine.

What happens when the desire for psychological safety and team intelligence hits the reality of COVID-19, home office, and social distancing? What happens when virtual boundaries endanger the social mores of decorum and politeness in human interaction? What happens when the rules of communication and trust vanish behind bandwidth issues? And what can you do about this? 

Free limited-time access to the online course "Evolution of workplace and Future of work"

Monday, 6th April 2020

Enjoy the free limited time access to the online course "Evolution of Workplace and Future of Work" on the platform.